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Yellowstone was established in 1872. A mountain wildland, home to grizzly bears, wolves, and herds of bison and elk, it is the core of one of the last, nearly intact, natural ecosystems in the Earth's temperate zone.
The Xplorer maps story: One day, when Chris Robitaille was six years old, he was driving his mom crazy. She said, "Chris, to take a nap!" He thought she said, "Go take a map". By accident he went away, made a map, and came back with a pretty awesome map detailing how he got from his bedroom down to the kitchen to where the cookie jar was. That was his very first map and so the journey began!
Today, Chris is still drawing maps, except now, his maps lead him beyond the cookie jar, to places all over the world highlighting the history and culture, detailing the landscapes and "telling the stories" through art of these amazing places. While his days of driving his mother crazy are long gone, he's joined forces with his geography buff of a brother, Greg, to share his maps with the world and connect people with place.
Together they launched & built Xplorer Maps ~ creating the world's finest had-drawn and had-lettered illustrations of national parks and other significant historical sites and travel destinations throughout the world. Every line, letter and icon is entirely unique and original on each custom map created.